Robust, novel assembly solution enables high-volume production of advanced medical device at 99+% yields.

September 10, 2015 – Universal Instruments’ Advanced Process Lab (APL) will be exhibiting on Table 29 at the 2015 Medical Electronics Symposium, held September 16–17 at Marylhurst University, Portland, OR. This international conference is jointly hosted by SMTA, INEMI, MEPTEC and OregonBio, and will focus on advances in electronic technologies and advanced manufacturing, specifically targeting medical and bioscience applications.

On the second day of the event (Sep. 17), Universal’s APL will present a paper within the Track 1 session: Components and Designs for Higher Density Medical Electronics. The paper is entitled Development of a Catheter: A Case Study in Material Selection, Design and Process Development for a High Yield and Reliable Medical Device, and will be presented by APL Director, David Vicari.

The catheter application is a medical implantable device which incorporates the world’s finest pitch soldered flip chip interconnects. On the APL’s role in helping to bring this product to market, Vicari said, “We first optimized the product design and materials for manufacturability and reliability. Then, we developed every aspect of the process, from designing the proper fixture to refining the placements and soldering steps – all to maximize quality and yield in a high-volume production environment.” He described the project as a “resounding success that helped our customer attain nearly 100% yields and a number one market share position.”

The continued miniaturization of implants and other medical products is challenging manufacturers to develop sound, repeatable processes for volume production. The introduction of wearable technologies and other leading-edge devices is rapidly extending these same challenges into other industries. Vicari noted that, “Ultra-fine pitches, stacked packaging, innovative flex substrates, and a host of new materials and process requirements are beyond the scope of traditional assembly practices and the in-house capabilities of most manufacturers.”

These applications require not only specialized equipment, but also focused knowledge to effectively manage new processes and materials. Universal’s APL has long-standing partnerships with industry leaders and years of experience in designing, implementing, and optimizing these applications.

To find out how Universal’s Advanced Process Laboratory can help your organization, please contact APL Director David Vicari at 607-779-5151 or